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Lifelink Solution and Demos

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Accelerate time to complete enrollment by 90%

Current State

80% of all enrollments submitted via eFax
40% of all enrollments are missing HCP and/or patient information
<20% of prescribers use portal, if available

Key Features

Omnichannel - Initiate enrollment from print media/QR codes, Rx networks (DrFirst), websites ( or, or eFax
Portal free - Replace custom hub portals with a consistent experience. No login usernames and passwords required.
Program triage - Streamline enrollment based on desired services and eligibility
Simplified data entry - Eliminate known and repeated fields via NPI and address lookup, insurance image upload and OCR, and real-time validation
Multi-stakeholder - Drive parallel HCP and patient workflows, re-engage for partial completes
Analytics and Insights - Understand enrollment by channel, persona, and clinic/HCP and analyze enrollments by time to complete, missing information, and points of dropoff
Flexible Integration Layer - Push completed enrollments to hubs via API, flat file/CSV, or even eFax/PDF
EnrollXP Demos

Case Studies

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