Six Conversations

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The Ownership Conversation

This conversation focuses on whose organization or task is this? It asks: How have I contributed to creating current reality? Confusion, blame and waiting for someone else to change are a defense against ownership and personal power.
It asks citizens to act as if they are creating what exists in the world.
The distinction is between ownership and blame. Ownership is the decision to acknowledge our guilt.
The Questions
For an event or project:
How valuable an experience (or project or community) do you plan for this to be?
How much risk are you willing to take?
How participative do you plan to be?
To what extent are you invested in the well-being of the whole?
The all-purpose ownership question:
What have I done to contribute to the very thing I complain about or want to change?
The questions that can complete our story and remove its limiting quality:
What is the story about this community or organization that you hear yourself most often telling? The one you are wedded to and maybe even take your identity from?
What are the payoffs you receive from holding on to this story?
What is your attachment to this story costing you?
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