This gives people the space to say no. If you can’t say no, your yes has no meaning. Give people a chance to express their doubts and reservations, as a way of clarifying their roles, needs and yearnings within the vision and mission. Genuine commitment begins with doubt, and no is an expression of people finding their space and role in the strategy.
The dissent conversation creates an opening for commitment.
When dissent is expressed, just listen. Don’t solve it, defend against it, or explain anything.
The primary distinction is between dissent and lip service.
A second distinction is between dissent and denial, rebellion, or resignation.
The Questions
What doubts and reservations do you have?
What is the no, or refusal, that you keep postponing?
What have you said yes to that you no longer really mean?
What is a commitment or decision that you have changed your mind about?
What forgiveness are you withholding?
What resentment do you hold that no one knows about?
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