The Valueflow Strategy

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Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Empowering Bioregional Sovereignty through Digital/Crypto Tokens


[NFTs are a subset of , which describes how we create valueflow from cities into rural bioregions.]
In our quest for bioregional sovereignty, we encounter a revolutionary concept that can combine technology and environmental stewardship—Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These digital tokens have emerged as a powerful tool for transforming land trusts committed to regenerative projects. In this section, we will explore how NFTs provide a pathway to tokenize land, empower communities, and create a sustainable future. You may wish to skip this introduction if you’re already familiar with NFTs.

Understanding NFTs

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, represent a breakthrough in the digital world. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, NFTs are unique and indivisible tokens that hold specific information about a particular asset (like a hectare of land) or piece of content (like a physical painting or digital art creation). They are built on blockchain technology, a decentralized ledger that ensures transparency, security, and immutability.

Tokenizing Land Trusts

Tokenizing land trusts through NFTs enables us to bridge the gap between a physical parcel of land and the digital realm. Imagine a pristine piece of land entrusted to a community committed to regenerative practices. By creating an NFT that represents this land, we establish a digital representation of:
The land’s value to human and non-human life;
The value of the loving labour invested by those who are stewarding it, and;
The future potential of any regenerative projects taking place on it.
It’s like going to an auctioneer and asking her to value a family heirloom. She will consider a range of variables and determine a ‘reserve price.’ Her determination is a guess at what the market will be willing to pay for the heirloom. Ultimately, it’s a completely arbitrary valuation, which will be either confirmed or rejected when the auction takes place.
An NFT is much the same: an arbitrary valuation of the land’s potential when stewarded by caring souls. When the Land Stewardship Token (discussed in the next section) is placed on the market, the ‘reserve price’—the price at which the LST is listed—is either confirmed or rejected by the market.

Transparency and Accountability

One of the significant advantages of utilizing NFTs in land trusts is the transparency and accountability they provide. Blockchain technology ensures that the transaction history, stewardship, and regenerative outcomes (tracked through Bioregional Progress Indicators, which we will discuss in a subsequent section) are openly accessible and cannot be falsified (or ‘greenwashed’). This transparency fosters trust among stakeholders, allowing them to track the progress of regenerative projects and ensure their commitments are upheld.

Community Engagement and Participation

NFTs linked to land trusts can facilitate community engagement and participation in regenerative projects. By investing in these tokens, external parties interested in the long-term health of the bioregion can become co-stewards of the land, actively contributing to decision-making processes, and sharing in the benefits generated by the projects. This sense of collective stewardship and responsibility strengthens community bonds and fosters a deeper connection to the land, even for those who may be separated from the land they love through the tyranny of distance.

Unlocking Financial Resources

Tokenizing land trusts through NFTs offers a pathway to unlock financial resources for regenerative projects. Land Stewardship Tokens can be bought and sold, attracting investors who align with the community's values and aspirations. The proceeds from NFT sales can be reinvested into further regenerative initiatives, enabling the community to scale their efforts and create a lasting impact.

Building a Network of Sovereign Bioregions

As land trusts tokenize their assets and embrace NFTs, they become part of a broader network of regenerative communities representing bioregions. These communities can connect, share knowledge, and collaborate, amplifying the impact of their regenerative projects. NFTs serve as a digital thread that connects these communities, fostering a sense of belonging and collective action towards a regenerative future.


NFTs have emerged as a transformative tool, bringing the power of digital tokens to the realm of land trusts committed to regenerative projects. By tokenizing land and associated regenerative initiatives, NFTs empower communities, foster transparency, and create new pathways for financial resources. Through these digital tokens, bioregional sovereignty is strengthened, enabling communities to shape their own future and regenerate our precious landscapes for generations to come.

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