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Relationships & Entanglements vs. Individuals & Objects
The term "intra-action" originates from feminist theorist Karen Barad's work, particularly in her book : Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Intra-action is a concept that challenges the notion of "interaction" by emphasizing the inseparability and mutual constitution of entities within phenomena.
Barad introduces intra-action as a way to understand how entities, such as particles, organisms, or concepts, come into existence through their dynamic relationships and entanglements with other entities. Rather than viewing entities as pre-existing and interacting with each other in isolation, intra-action suggests that entities emerge and take shape through their entanglements, dependencies, and constant mutual influence on one another.
Intra-action highlights the intertwined nature of agency and relationality, emphasizing that entities and phenomena are not independent entities acting upon each other, but rather co-constituted and entangled in their intra-relations. It challenges traditional dualistic perspectives that separate subject and object, human and non-human, and instead recognizes the entangled, co-emergent nature of these relationships.
By using the term intra-action, Barad aims to shift our understanding of agency, causality, and the nature of reality, urging us to consider the entangled, ongoing, and performative nature of phenomena. It invites us to see the world as a dynamic web of relationships, where meaning, identity, and existence are continuously co-created through the intra-relational entanglements of entities.

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