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Elementary Curriculum


We want to teach kids that worship is more than just singing songs. Worship is about responding to who God is and what He's done.

When does this happen during service?

We will pause our small group time after the Remember segment and transition to Response Time. Your playlist is set to automatically start the videos. The will be a short explanation from Pastor Jeremy to help kids understand what Response Time is. Then it will automatically play the worship song to cue Response Time.
Countdown: Reel in the kids with a fun video. (5 min.)
Connect: Get to know your group. (5 min.)
Large Group: Share God’s story. (25 min.)
Unpack: Review the Bible story. (5 min.)
Remember: Memorize the Bible verse. (5 min.)
Respond: Worship in your own way. (5 min.)
Explore: Putting it into practice. (5 min.)
Debrief: Talk about your takeaway. (5 min.)

What’s the win for this time?

We want kids to understand that worship is more than just a musical experience. At its most fundamental level, worship is about responding to God. We want to give kids an opportunity to respond to God in their own way.


There will be stations for kids to write a prayer request, journal/draw about something that stuck out to them in the Bible story and write notes to Bruno & Alli (the kids we sponsor through Compassion).
When they are finished, they can roll up their paper and add it to the Response Wall.

Response Cards Preview.jpg
Response Wall.jpg
Response Time.jpg

Important Notes

The emphasis here is not that they take action and write anything down, but that they do what fits best for them, and they simply have the opportunity and resources to ‘respond’ in those ways
We want them at minimum, to sit and think
Frame from the bottom up. Challenge kids. Here’s your response time, “if you want to challenge yourself, you can go to one of our stations.” Frame it so each student wins. The ‘win’, is that they are taking time to think, they don’t have to write or draw anything

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