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Elementary Curriculum

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Large Group

Large Group is our opportunity to worship together and hear God's story -- all in one big group together.

When does this happen during service?

Once small groups have had enough time for their kids to share during Connect Time, we will transition to Large Group. We will begin with a welcome from the Host who will guide kids through the Large Group experience.
Countdown: Reel in the kids with a fun video. (5 min.)
Connect: Get to know your group. (5 min.)
Large Group: Share God’s story. (25 min.)
Unpack: Review the Bible story. (5 min.)
Remember: Memorize the Bible verse. (5 min.)
Respond: Worship in your own way. (5 min.)
Explore: Putting it into practice. (5 min.)
Debrief: Talk about your takeaway. (5 min.)

What’s the win for this time?

We want kids to discover the Bible story together.

What’s the flow of Large Group?

Welcome → Worship → Introduce the Story → Story Video → Closing


Always start by welcoming your kids and introduce yourself for the day. Make sure to smile! Use enthusiasm and show your excitement for the day. You can start with an introduction similar to:
“Hey friends! My name is ________ and I’ll be your host today. We always love to start by hearing from you guys. What was the best part of your week? (Give kids a chance to raise their hand and share.)”

Transition to Worship

After the game, this is transition time into worship.
Have your kids bow their heads and pray over them.
Address that you are going to go into worship and encourage kids to stand and worship all together.
Start the worship playlist.


Model what worship looks like for the kids. You can demonstrate your way of worshiping during the song, while still being cognizant of what is going on with the kids.
Some kids may not feel comfortable with their worship method in front of other kids, your modeling may allow them to feel comfortable participating in worship.
Keep an eye on kids. Make sure they are being respectful of those around them and allowing others to worship undistracted.

Introduce the Story

Give a short introduction to the Bible story for the day. Make sure kids are staying on task. Introduce the main idea for the story, and any important people who are in the story.

Story Video

Make sure you are monitoring kids during this time. Model how to sit and watch the Bible story. Make sure to address any behavior issues during the video message early on to allow other kids to focus on the message.


Follow the Leader Guide for a closing concept to cover after the video lesson.
Be sure to address the whole group, and be enthusiastic in your statement.
Bring back the main idea for the lesson. Be sure that you are restating the main idea. Repetition is key.
Address the ways in which this demonstrates who God is. Be sure to always address God’s role in the story, and how He ties in with the main idea.
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