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Elementary Curriculum

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Every week we will challenge our kids to think through what it looks like to put their faith in action and apply what they learned in the Bible story.

When does this happen during service?

After the Response Song ends, kids will head back to their small group space for an Explore activity.
Countdown: Reel in the kids with a fun video. (5 min.)
Connect: Get to know your group. (5 min.)
Large Group: Share God’s story. (25 min.)
Unpack: Review the Bible story. (5 min.)
Remember: Memorize the Bible verse. (5 min.)
Respond: Worship in your own way. (5 min.)
Explore: Putting it into practice. (5 min.)
Debrief: Talk about your takeaway. (5 min.)

What’s the win for this time?

Spiritual growth isn’t just about learning; it’s about doing. Each week we want to have an activity that helps kids apply what they learned in a fun way. This activity is meant to be a springboard for the rest of their week so that kids are challenged to put their faith into action.

In action

These are going to address real-life applications for kids.
Remind kids of the main idea for the Bible story.
Prompt them to think about how they can see elements of the main idea of the story in their lives.

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