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Elementary Curriculum

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Each week we'll end with a discussion time where kids can talk about what they learned and share how they will apply it during the week.

When does this happen during service?

The very last activity we do is called Debrief. This is where we’ll give you some discussion questions to ask the kids in your small group to talk about what they learned and how they can apply it. One of the reasons we put Debrief at the very end is to make check-out a much more smooth process. It’s a lot easier to facilitate check-out when you know where kids are and it’s not loud in the room.
Countdown: Reel in the kids with a fun video. (5 min.)
Connect: Get to know your group. (5 min.)
Large Group: Share God’s story. (25 min.)
Unpack: Review the Bible story. (5 min.)
Remember: Memorize the Bible verse. (5 min.)
Respond: Worship in your own way. (5 min.)
Explore: Putting it into practice. (5 min.)
Debrief: Talk about your takeaway. (5 min.)

What’s the win for this time?

We want kids to know and understand the Bible story they just learned. Debrief is a chance to talk about your takeaways, review what you learned and find out what you can do to live it out.

Kid focused

Make sure kids feel comfortable talking with you and in front of the other kids. Encourage kids to listen and be respectful when their peers are talking. Make sure you know the kids’ names, and each kid feels heard. We want to make sure kids are comfortable sharing and being vulnerable.
This is time for the kids. If your conversation flows in a different direction, and doesn’t exactly follow the questions, let it.
You are there to minister to their needs and that goes with allowing conversations to flow in their direction. Obviously reel it in if it gets too off track, but this is time for the small group to digest the message for the day.
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