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Azure DevOps + Coda

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Getting Started

Getting Connected

Add the to your doc
Create a (PAT)
Personal Access Tokens will expire in 30 days by default. To avoid needing to update this often, we suggest you extend the expiration date out as far as possible.
When selecting the scope of the token, be sure to include “Read, write, & manage” for both “Work Items” and “Code”
After you create the PAT, you will see a success dialog open with you private key and a warning that you will not be able to see it again. Be sure to copy/save the PAT!
Connect your account using the newly created PAT
Under the Azure DevOps Pack settings, you will have the option to add an account
Enter your organizations URL
In the second field, type the word “None” (this is not used, but also cannot be blank)
Paste your PAT as the access token.
Click Continue and you should be ready to start syncing your data!

The Data

See page for more information on the types of information you can sync from your Azure DevOps project.

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