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Intro to PitchersHQ

Character.ai for B2B
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PitchersHQ aims to solve the problem of inconsistent sales training and the inefficient use of valuable leads by offering an AI-powered sales coaching platform.
The B2B platform provides AI characters for sales simulations, enabling founders, SDRs and AEs to practice their pitches on AI sales coaches that emulate ideal customer profiles (ICP), thus preventing the burn of real-world leads.
That is, a ‘flight simulator’ for customer and prospect-facing agents.
The platform offers benefits such as reducing lead burn, providing personalized development through analytics leading to predictable results due to consistent training and feedback (and of course, freeing up time for managers and leadership).
Mission: Enable businesses to accelerate sales, burn less leads and grow (sustainably) well.

Problem statement

Traditionally, it takes an average sales rep ~400 cold call connects to ramp up the organic process usually takes between 3 to 9 months. With PitchersHQ, reps can achieve that same level of proficiency in less than a week! Moreover:
Inconsistent sales training leads to underprepared reps.
Role-playing with colleagues is limited, lacking real-world buyer diversity.
Burning valuable leads for training is inefficient and costly (ask a CMO!)
Leadership and managers need to get back to scaling revenue - they need to be freed from listening to mock calls.


A platform providing AI-powered conversational sales simulations for training SDRs/AEs.
We are building PitchersHQ, an AI led B2B platform that brings AI characters to businesses (think of it as Character.ai, but for B2B usecases).
Our first character is an AI sales coach that helps SDRs / AEs practice pitch to matching ICPs, without burning a real-world lead.
In the last 40 days, I have done 50+ discovery calls with Indian SAAS founders to understand the pain point and we already have 10+ companies (each has more than 10+ SDRs) willing to use the platform.

Benefits of PitchersHQ Platform

Reduce Lead Burn: Train new hires and refine skills without risking live prospects.
Personalized Development: Analytics inform individual coaching plans.
Scalable Practice: On-demand training for single reps or entire teams.
Predictable Results: Consistent training leads to better prepared reps and higher win rates.

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