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LaaLaa FAQs

Access to shared ownership of affordable eco-living units close to magnificent natural assets

Q#1 : Which country or regions does Laalaa cover?

Currently, we cover Spain.
In the near future, we will expand to France, Portugal ( Europe) & California (US)
If you’d like us to offer our services in a specific region, do contact us and we’ll let you know whether we can execute on it.

Q#2 : What is Unique about LaaLaa’s Eco-Living Site?

Access to unexploited magnificent Natural Assets
Shared Ownership / Co-own the Asset (s)
Walkable & peaceful locations
Access to civic amenities; water, electricity, sewage.
A part of hamlets or close to small towns.
Access to transport; bus / train/ shared e-bikes, microcars, e-trikes, e-mountain-bikes
Cultural Experience; on-demand info / education via locals about local culture, history, language, gastronomy, and festivals.
High-earning potential with eco-tourism rentals.

Q#3 : How does LaaLaa make shared ownership accessible?

We have developed in-house technology tools and analytics to ;
enable collective ownership modeling & transactions
track, monitor, and report shared asset(s) ownership. We follow auditable reporting standards.
automate site eligibility assessment.
automate the generation of documents required for submission to govt for obtaining approvals.

Q#4 : What is Unique about LaaLaa's execution capabilities?

**See Answer #3
In addition, w**e provide efficient and effective execution at an affordable cost. We're able to achieve this by combining our expertise in process automation and tech tools development with our deep knowledge of construction development.
And, we’re nature lovers and have a passion for developing sustainable living projects.

Q#5 : How does an Asset Co-owner earn income & profits via LaaLaa's platform?

Rental Income* : The Eco-living units have the potential to generate 10%-50% annual return on your investment.
Asset Price Appreciate* : A potential increase in land & developed site economic (Euro) value could generate 2X+ Return on Investment in 2-4 years. *subject to market conditions

Q#6 : How much does one Eco-Living Module + Land Cost ?

Euro 100,000 to 250,000 depending on the cost of Land.

Q#7 : What is the minimum Funding required to Co-own an Asset?

Min Euro 5,000

Q#8 : What is a LaaLaa Vetted Eco-Living site?

Site Identification : A site that has Access to Undisturbed Natural Assets. A site with Access to majestic natural assets; undisturbed mountain ranges, forest, river, ocean, and lake for immersive and peaceful nature experiences like forest bathing, hiking, skiing, kayaking, rafting, and more.
Geo-location : The site’s physical location has been vetted by us.
All valid govt documentation : Clear Title Deed, Clear Mortgage, Clear Taxes and community fees, clear bills ( water, electricity, /and others)
Building Permission : The site secured has building and living permission from the local government authority.

Q#9 : How long does it take to develop the eco-living units?

We make the sites ready for eco-tourism rentals.
Development : 60 days. This includes purchase, installation, and foundation works for Eco-units development.
In parallel to #1 Timeline: Prepare all documentation and independent studies required for #3 ( these are required for Obtaining #3 )
Planning Permission & Habitability Certificate : 30-120 days. This depends on the processing speed of the local government authority.

Q#10 : How does LaaLaa ensure the appropriate utilization of Clients' funds?

We have independent systems in place to ensure that the clients/ funds are directly deployed toward the site asset purchase and development.
From day one, H has set up processes to ensure that all transactions on our platform are auditable, traceable & transparent.
We use an Independent Escrow ( an independent bank account ) provider to hold your funds and distribute the funds via the Escrow as per the agreed distribution of funds. Escrow is a highly common independent payment system used by Fintech startups and other intermediaries.

Q#11 : What is Planning Permission Certificate?

It is an accreditation certificate can verifies compliance with the local area building and architecture rules.
It is required for living units and related infra developed at the site. Issued by the local government authority. To obtain it, the submission of Topography & Geotechnical Studies and a Site Architecture Design Model.

Q#12 : What is a Habitability Certificate?

It is an accreditation document in Spain confirming that a particular space complies with minimum safety, hygiene, and habitability requirements. These standards pertain to aspects such as dwelling size, room specifications, height, openings, and essential facilities. To obtain this certificate, we need to engage a certified architect or surveyor to inspect the premises and issue the necessary documentation for submission to the appropriate authority.

Q#13 : Which key services does LaaLaa manage after the completion of project development?

Marketing, rentals management, insurance mgmt, rental financial management, taxes, and ongoing local compliance.

Q#14 : How does LaaLaa ensure the adoption of NetZero & Sustainable Environment practices?

We adopt minimalist architecture design for site & living unit development.
All the materials used for project development are recyclable or biodegradable.
We are experts in insulation, decentralised clean energy & energy efficiency and we leverage our expertise to deploy optimal energy tech.

Q#15 : How much does LaaLaa earn for the entire project development?

**We have a transparent, clear & standardized Income & Profit-sharing structure.
30% of the total project value and 30% of Net Revalued Asset.
Net Revalued Asset is the appreciated economic value of assets over the years i.e. land and developed site price ( increase ) revaluation.**

Q#16 : What kind of clients does LaaLaa seek to serve?

Clients that have a shared Purpose. Our purpose is to create harmony between nature & humans. And, harmony within & among humans.

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