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Databricks Pack
You can query your Databricks tables in 3 different ways - Each way provides its own advantages. Click on any of the cards above or below for thorough walk-through instructions

1. Query Table

This is the preferred way to sync your data. Use this method when at all possible
Perfect for: Medium to large sized custom queries using standard SQL when you want your data fast and refreshed automatically.

Not great for: Individuals who do not know how to query their information using SQL

2. Tables Table

Perfect for: Medium to large sized queries and for individuals who don’t know how to use SQL. Quick and easy access to your table data.

Not great for: Joining tables, aggregate functions, or any more complex queries. This method can only query a singular table at a time with no joins or modifications to the raw data

2. Long running queries / Completed queries

Perfect for: The largest and most complex queries. Custom SQL, Joins, aggregates, and more

Not great for: Automatically refreshing your data on regular daily intervals - unless you whip up a little Coda Magic

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