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User Guide

👋 Hey there!

Welcome to your ultimate editing companion. This document is powered by Coda AI and is intended to help you quickly draft content of any type in the work-place or elsewhere. Here is a quick rundown of how the document works.

The is your main page - it is the place where you will write or copy/paste a previously written body of text that you want edited
It has three main features. Uncollapse the triangles below to learn about those sections and how they work

1. New text button

Pressing this button will open up a detail-view of a row with all the options for inputting the text you want edited and the different quick-options such as tone, style and length that you AI editor will apply to your writing

2. Modifications and main editor

3. Drafted Writing

This is where you will find a historical record of your edited text based off your selections! The most recent drafts are contained at the top. This section has three important buttons to know about:

This template, at its core, is a helpful prompt generator. It takes the different inputs you make on the page and organizes them into a prompt optimized for AI.
The settings page allows you to modify the basic structure of the prompt that is being fed to your AI assistant before it generates writing samples
Click into the yellow box when on the settings page to change your prompt

On the page you have 6 different Selects that allow you to give small instructions to the AI writing assistant - These ones specifically 👇
The page holds the raw values that you are able to select in these drop-downs. Use this page to modify (add, delete, change) the selectable values

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.