PROactive: Organizing your Acting Career

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This template helps any actor get organized and remain proactive in their career

Welcome 👋 to PROactive, a digital tool made specifically for entertainment professionals to store and track the abundance of information unique to our industry.

What is this doc, anyway?

Your single source of information: Everything you need to track, store, record, or note to keep making forward momentum and booking work is here in this doc!
A place where it all ties together: With everything in one place, all your information can speak to each other to make sure your data is up to date and accurate.
Your personal space: Make yourself at home, and make this space what you need it to be.

Where to find what you need:

What auditions are coming up?
What do I need to get done today?
I need my headshot & resume, stat!
I just received an audition and need to send off a self-tape. What do I have ready to go?
What’s in my book and ready for this upcoming audition?
I just met someone new and want to record their contact info & notes from our meeting
I’m out and about and want to record an audition reaction quick.
How many auditions have I done this year and how am I feeling about things?
There are no rows in this table

A reminder.

This hub is meant to serve you. It has been developed based on my experience in the industry as well as numerous interviews with professionals like yourself. However, every artist is different and the effectiveness of this information hub is always being evaluated. If you have any feedback or would like to see something specific, please submit your comments using .
Notable upcoming features:
Connection to Gmail to track reach-outs
Monologue Repertoire List
Dream Role Hub - a place to log, explore, and work on dream roles so you’re prepared for the audition call.
Multi-hyphenate customizations - are you also a director, producer, or coach? Those each come with their own needs.
Have other ideas? Head to the page to share it!

Need additional help?

Do you need help getting started or want to hand off the data input to someone else? Are you interested in a PROactive Portal customized especially for you? I also offer template customization services! Get in touch at to discuss what that looks like.

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