SNHU’s partnership with Khan Academy and is designed to help students save time and money as you pursue a bachelor’s degree. Students who complete the college courses on Khan Academy and get certified on Schoolhouse may transfer coursework for credit at SNHU, currently available for College Algebra. Learn more about how to
Southern New Hampshire University is a private, nonprofit institution accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) as well as several other accrediting bodies. Founded in 1932, SNHU has helped countless students reach their goals with flexible, career-focused programs. Now serving over 200,000 learners worldwide, SNHU offers 200+ undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs, available online and on its 300-acre campus in Manchester, NH.
🚀 How it works
Step 1:
Learn on Khan Academy
Learn College Algebra on Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers free online lessons and practice for you to learn new material at your own pace.
Access free tutoring at Schoolhouse: is a free, online tutoring platform where you can get support from a personalized peer tutor if you get stuck or want extra help. Note: the tutoring will happen in Schoolhouse’s Algebra 2 course which covers similar topics to College Algebra.
Become certified in the course on Schoolhouse:Once you’ve learned the course, Schoolhouse lets you showcase your mastery by recording a video of yourself explaining practice problems in that subject.
Students interested in earning credit from mastery demonstrated on Khan Academy and certified on should submit their certificate for College Algebra to