
1. The first step is to .
2. Read the handbook completely.
3. Join the Google Classroom.
4. Join the and (optional).
5. Go to Google Drive and create a folder as WED2022_Your name, For e.g WED2022_Shaunak Chakraborty.
6. Inside that folder create folders like Assignment 1, Assignment 2, and Assignment 3.
7. Take the screenshots of your posts that you had posted on your social media handles and upload those screenshots in the respective assignment folder.
8. All the assignments and other tasks will be posted on Google Classroom so make sure that you had joined it.
9. Before the due date of the assignment, you have to attach the link of that particular assignment drive folder to Google Classroom. If you can’t complete your assignment within the given time for any genuine reason that’s okay don’t worry and take your time, it can be considered only for one assignment not for all.
10. At the end of this campaign you will be asked to fill a feedback form in which you have to attach the link of the entire drive folder in which all assignment folders are there.

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