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Stack Rank Candidates Template

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Stack Rank Final Candidates

A template for Hiring Managers and Recruiters to think through final stage candidates.

You have a group of candidates that have completed their interviews, and now you have to make a decision.

Bam, analysis paralysis. What if you make the wrong decision, miss a glaring obvious, or didn’t do your due diligence in turning over every stone in hiring the best candidate? The decision making process can be complex, and it’s important to provide a clear framework to think through the decision objectively. Without it your conversations can become circular and the best choice isn’t always obvious. As a strategic hiring partner for your team, use this framework to stack rank your final candidates, and data to inform in an objective vs subjective way.

You need a table to stack rank your candidates! ✨

It gives a visual and objective way to assess your candidates and think through trade offs. This is a clean and clear approach to consider the different timelines, closing sentiments, and levels of engagement for next steps. Depending on what your team wants to index for, you might weigh certain factors heavier than others.

How to use this template.

Make a copy of this template
Copy Template
and clear out the data
Clear Table
Add your candidates, relevant links to their profile, interview scorecards, timeline urgency, closing sentiments, and next steps. Use this to inform the decision making process with the hiring manager and team in final decision.

Add a Candidate
Final Candidates
Stack Rank
Closing Sentiment
ATS Feedback
Role Exercise
Stack Rank
Closing Sentiment
Next Steps
Lola Tseudonym
Overall: Strong candidate, shows a lot of initiative in past work, and falls in the perfect experience range for in this role.
Strengths: Strong project management, diverse background, and high potential for growth.
Recommendation: Move to offer quickly, candidate has tight timeline and actively interviewing at other comp.
Move to offer
Set up sell calls
Buck Dubois
Overall: Great background, no doubt they’d be able to jump in and take on the role
Strengths: Comfortable with ambiguity, very solution oriented
Hesitations: Unsure if the candidate would be happy in an IC role for long considering the scrappy nature of this role
Recommendation: Move to references
Move to references
Set up sell calls to keep candidate engaged
Mary Jones
Overall: Great background, comes from similar size company and team, as well as scope of work
Strengths: Would not need a lot of guidance onboarding, comes from similar role/team
Hesitations: Would be a solid hire, but wouldn’t diversify team or offer a spike
Recommendation: Move to references
Move to references
Adam Davis
Overall: Work background not direct, would be taking a bet
Strengths: Strong education background, ability to breakdown complex ideas and strong communicator
Hesitations: Unsure of transition into Tech
Recommendation: Hold for now, no urgency and candidate very excited about comp/team
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