Add description - why it was important for you to contribute. Maybe what you’ve learnt or skills you practiced.
↖️ you can copy the above section for the other volunteering activities you’ve done.
Conference Title (+link)
🗓 When:Add Date
📍 Where:Add Location
Add description - why it was important for you to attend. Maybe what you’ve learnt or skills you practiced, additionally feel free to mention any talks you especially enjoyed.
Attendees: gives idea of the scale of the event.
Picture is worth a thousand words, feel free to share the experience you had at the event
↖️ you can copy the above section for the other attended events you’d like to mention.
Certification Title
🗓 Date of issue:Add Date
🔍 Focus:Add what skills you developed during the program.
ℹ️ Format:It will help to understand how you were acquiring the skills mentioned in the “Focus” section.
⭐ Criteria for completion:Was there an examination that had a minimum passing grade? Mention that too! It’ll show that during the program your understanding of the material was evaluated.
↖️ you can copy the above section for the other certifications you’d like to mention.