Win 1

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Based on our expertize we suggest focusing on Win 1 MVP version of the web application to build functionality over time based on user testing data and feedback.
MVP Overview
A Minimum Viable Product is a version of the product which includes only the features that solve a core problem for a specific set of users. The goal of an MVP Win 1 app is to provide immediate value, quickly, while minimizing development costs, to gather data and feedback that can then be applied to improve future iterations of the product.
By offering the core set of features rather than a feature-heavy product you can verify if the product concept resonates with who they believe to be their target audience, providing an opportunity to change a product’s direction based on findings.
The MVP approach helps to prevent the product from becoming over complicated and requiring more sophisticated coding and solutions. As app begin to gain more users and gather more information to inform the direction of the product from the MVP, then we suggest to develop additional functionality.
MVP Scope
We would like to propose you implementing only Personal Usage approach at this stage, so user will be able to perform all previously disccussed actions except ability to add a new user to his workspace / projects.
It will reduce the development costs by cutting extra functionality such as
- role permissions development (admin / user, private / public calendar);
- user interaction with other users (share projects / view other profiles)
- payment logic connected to the group tarifs
It’s a matter of the scope of work and costs as a result, after launch you will always be able to expend the current functionality.
Please let us know if you agree with this idea and want us to follow it while we are prototyping the app?

Monetization Strategy
When it comes to web applications, building a sustainable stream of income involves defining a web app monetization strategy.
Having analyzed most of the apps listed at the web page we’ve came accross the similar subscription model - monthly and anual subscriptions.
These models are proved to be effective, so we would like to suggest the following model:
1. Free:
- Limited number of projects
- Limited number of tasks within the project
- Limited file storage (user can upload only up to limited number of files)
2. Monthly Pro
- Unlimited number of projects
- Unlimited number of tasks within the project
- Dark theme for the app
3. Annual Pro

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