- Viewer - Can email lists Viewer - Can email lists
Can email lists
Ministers, Staff and committee or task force chairs
- Viewer - Can create forms Viewer - Can create forms
Can create forms
Ministers and Staff
- Viewer - Can create workflows Viewer - Can create workflows
Can create workflows
Ministers and Staff
Can email lists, create forms, create workflows, edit, set people inactive, send emails using templates, edit and delete personal lists, send emails with templates,
office staff, RE asst, ministers, DRE, Music Dir
Can email lists, create forms, create workflows, edit, set people inactive, send emails using templates, edit and delete personal lists, send emails with templates, create forms, manage settings, manage categories, merge people, change permissions
Admin, Office Assts, Connections Coord (with advice from admin)
- Specific Group of People Specific Group of People
Targeted permission to access specific lists, tabs, etc.
chairs of committees or task forces, leaders of short term projects