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Planning Center Online Migration Guide
Step 2: Data Design

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People Permissions


You can grant different permissions to allow pastors, administrators, staff, and key volunteers to view, edit, or customize information in People.
Planning Center People is not designed to be used as a church directory, and the general congregation members should not have access to it.
On a person's , a Manager can view and edit their permissions by choosing Permissions from the gear dropdown.
Change permissions
Permissions for all products are shown, but only permissions for People can be changed. Other permissions must be changed from within each app.
Choose the People permission from the dropdown. By default, a Manager can email lists, and create forms and workflows. However, if you want a Viewer or Editor to email lists or create forms and workflows, check the corresponding box.
application permissions
Click Save to send an email to the person notifying them their permission level has been changed.

Table of Permissions

The table below lists what each permission level can do regarding , , , , and .
Only can see information for people across Planning Center apps. Another Organization Administrator can make someone an Organization Administrator from .
Only an Organization Administrator can delete a person or give to certain permission levels or people.
Access Level : Title
Access levels
Description of Permissions
People w/ Permission
- Viewer - Can email lists
Viewer - Can email lists
Can email lists
Ministers, Staff and committee or task force chairs
- Viewer - Can create forms
Viewer - Can create forms
Can create forms
Ministers and Staff
- Viewer - Can create workflows
Viewer - Can create workflows
Can create workflows
Ministers and Staff
- Editor
Can email lists, create forms, create workflows, edit, set people inactive, send emails using templates, edit and delete personal lists, send emails with templates,
office staff, RE asst, ministers, DRE, Music Dir
- Manager
Can email lists, create forms, create workflows, edit, set people inactive, send emails using templates, edit and delete personal lists, send emails with templates, create forms, manage settings, manage categories, merge people, change permissions
Admin, Office Assts, Connections Coord (with advice from admin)
- Specific Group of People
Specific Group of People
Targeted permission to access specific lists, tabs, etc.
chairs of committees or task forces, leaders of short term projects

Custom Field Permission Levels

Field Name
Field Content
Permission by Tab or Field
Permission Level
Pronouns used by an individual
List Add Other: with pastoral followup to add to the list
People- Manager
Gender (inclusive)
List Add Other: with pastoral followup to add to the list
Photo Release
Add Drop Down Options
Racialized Identity
Non-Hispanic White or Euro-American
English - Basic
Senior Living Facility
List the facilities by name
Affiliated Congregation or Community Group
List possible congregations, or community groups
Date of First Visit
Date of completed guest card or first event registration at the church
People- Manager
People- Editor
Attended Newcomer Intro
Completed Membership Class
People- Manager
Membership Date
Date of participation in a membership ceremony
People- Manager
People- Editor
Membership Ceremony Attended
People- Manager
Left Membership Date
People- Manager
Reason Left Membership
Populate this list / overlap with inactive reason list expected
People- Manager
Membership Role Review Letter Sent
Each Checkbox
Membership Role Review Letter
Subscription List
Tabled for future discussion
Communication Preferences
Tabled for future discussion
No Email Communication
People- Manager
Mailing Label
Names that appear on a mailing label ex. Rev. Sean Neil-Barron & Charles Howes
People- Manager
Letter Salutation Dear “Rev. Sean & Charles”
People- Manager
Connection Form: Activities Enjoyed
What types of activities do you enjoy? Please check all that apply. Cooking Working in the kitchen with others Donating homemade foods Using Spreadsheets Finance related activities Event organizing Stuffing envelopes Office work Marketing Fundraising Photography Creating brochures Teaching Gardening Social events Playing an instrument Singing Social Justice Visiting elderly Working with children
Connection Form Completed Date
Anti-Racism Training
Small Group Facilitator Training
Add RE Trainings
Graduated K/1 Our Whole Lives
Graduated 5th Grade Our Whole Lives
Graduated 8th Grade Our Whole Lives
Trained OWL Facilitator
Date Trained as OWL Facilitator
Adult OWL Completed
Leadership & Service
Committee Leadership: Roles, Date
Committee Leadership: Active, Former
Current Committee X Member
Board Roles Held, Dates
Board Member
Current board member
Deceased Date
Milestone Dates
important milestone dates in the member’s life
Baby Dedication Date
Memorial Service Notes
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