Add a note on someone's profile about a prayer request, a need, or a meeting you had with them. Add categories to keep your notes clean and choose who can view those notes.
Create a Note
Add a note from the notes tab on a person's profile.
Choose the category to put the note in and enter the content of the note. Once you've added the note to a profile, you can see the date and person who added it.
To delete it, hover over it and click Delete. There is no way to edit the note.
If someone has multiple notes, filter by choosing a category from the All Categories dropdown.
Add Note Categories
From the Notes tab, click Manage Note Categories from the All Categories dropdown.
Click New Note Category to add a new category, or select one of the categories to manage who can see notes in those categories.
All General notes will be visible to Viewers and above.
Allow the notes to be visible to certain people or permissions.
Add anyone who should be notified when a new note is added.
To remove the category entirely, select Delete Category.
Notification Email
If you enter someone in the notifications list, they will receive an email with all the notes added to the category, which is helpful for people who don't need access to People but would benefit from knowing the information in notes.
Notification emails are sent at 6am in the organization's timezone, and they contain information added the day before.
Filter Notes
All notes entered on profiles will be added to the Notes tab in chronological order, and they can be filtered, searched, or exported.
Note Customization
Action Step: Create a list of note categories (w descriptions) set a permission level (who can see it) and who would want to recieve a daily note digest