Roger Wilson
Roger will do anything to ensure the project's success.
Lisa Sellers
Lisa feels that the financial appropriations for the project might be better served by improving some of the existing products to meet the heavy competition they currently have.
Tom Kane
Tom would like to see the project completed early so that he can focus his attention on other company priorities.
Edward Speck
Feels the web development project is a waste of time, money, and resources.
James Pulliam
His services organization is currently significantly understaffed, and he has been devoting as much time as necessary to get his staffing situation up to an optimal level. Mr. Pulliam also said that he has been traveling a lot and is planning on being out of town most of the time during the next six months of the project.
Carol Donners
Carol made it very clear that she has little time to devote to the project (if any) and that the project's success is not one of her priorities.