Communications Management Plan

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Project Kickoff Meeting Checklist

Before the Meeting..
Action Required
Have all team members been identified and secured? If not, is there a plan in place to identify and secure outstanding roles?
Have all stakeholders been identified and confirmed? Has a list of key stakeholders been developed?
Has the project charter been signed off by all parties?
Has the project purpose been communicated to all team members and stakeholders? Has context been provided?
Have the project organizational and RACI charts been completed?
Is the sponsor available to speak at the kickoff meeting? If not, can it be rescheduled until he/she is available?
Has the initial/draft project communications plan been developed (including kickoff)?
Has the agenda been set and distributed to all attendees?
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During and After the Meeting..
Action Required
Has someone been appointed to record minutes?
Appoint someone to record minutes
Are ground rules set for the meeting (questions, respect for others, interruptions, etc.)?
Are all outstanding/parking lot items being given owners and follow-up dates?
Are all action item dates being met? If not, are steps being taken to correct?
Steps will be taken on action items
Is additional information being shared with all team members and stakeholders?
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Additional Kickoff Task Checklist

Have you..
Action required
Communicated the goals of the project to all project team members to make sure that everyone understands the objectives of the project?
Communicated the goals of the project to all project team members to make sure that everyone understands their responsibilities in and toward the project?
Got the commitment you need for the project?
Generated enthusiasm to make things happen?
Established the leadership for the project?
Motivated the project team to follow you?
Identified critical milestones, phases and deadlines of the project?
Reviewed the overall project work plan and schedule with appropriate members of the project team?
This is something that need to be finalized with the team. At the second meeting.
Explained standard operating procedures, including meetings, required documentation and reports, and any ongoing communications necessary between project manager and the project team?
Given those responsible for performing initial tasks the go-ahead to start working on the project?
The go needs to be given by myself or the product manager.
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