There’s a pretty convincing argument in there that tracking your net worth is one of the few non-BS ways of taking care of your financial capital and increasing your options. Richard provides a sample Excel/Google spreadsheet that can be used to track this, but I decided to boost it up a bit by converting it into a Coda doc.
Simply put, net worth = everything you own - all of your debts. This doc should hopefully make it easy for you to calculate it and keep track of it going forward.
. Clicking the “New Entry” button on these tables will add a new row with the current date, but you can also manually create new rows and add dates manually.
The key rule here is that assets and liabilities inputs should have exactly matching date records. The total numbers of rows in an ungrouped view can differ, but if you add an entry for a certain date to assets, you need to make sure you add the same entry for liabilities, and vice versa. The best way to ensure this is to update your net worth at a regular frequency, e.g. work through everything in this doc once a month.
page will give you a summary of your current net worth, a chart and table to track your progress, and the current breakdown of your assets and liabilities by category.
One thing to make sure you do here is to regularly update rows in the
. Make sure you add an entry every time you update you assets and liabilities so that the dashboard visuals update. I’ve tried to make this easy by making the “As of” column in this table a list select from