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The Opportunity to Embed Change and Innovation in Your Organization's Teams, Culture, and Work Is NOW

NOW is the time to deeply understand the importance of an IT & digital strategy

The Opportunity from COVID-19

Why should organizations even think about change? Put simply the market changes faster than your organization can keep up. The only option as a business that you can control to mitigate against irrelevancy from your market is to innovate. For example, many of you have already started using new tools like
and , the poster children of this pandemic that helps us communicate and collaborate from home. You've applied a new solution to a very important area of your business, but there's more areas to innovate in!

Momentum of Transformation

This pandemic is an opportunity to keep the momentum of transformation continuous in your organization as change naturally slows down after events ー that are catalysts for change ー drift further and further into the past.
The most successful companies have identified the ultimate competitive advantage that information technologies provide ー innovation. The difficult part, is putting it all together in your organization. Your teams will turn more and more to cloud apps to accomplish their goals and work, and achieve the impossible because of the lack of friction to apply them in their work and the apps ability to enhance work. This is both a driver of innovation in your organization and a complexity that you need to accommodate for in your business to ultimately turn data into a valuable asset ー information that drives your day-to-day decisions and large initiatives.
The Challenge Map
Business Area
Data Source
Data Source
Data Source
Data Source
Behaviour Analytics
Behaviour Analytics
Data Enrichment
Behaviour Analytics
Data Enrichment
Behaviour Analytics
Service / Product
Order tracker
Customer support & success CRM
Behaviour Analytics
Order & payment provider
Order tracker
Customer support & success CRM
Communication tools
Collaboration tools
Order & payment provider
Business Analytics & Intelligence
Accounting app
Project management
Order tracker
Accounting app
Project management
Order tracker
Data Enrichment
Issue tracker
Issue tracker
Every business is different and above may not accurately represent your business, but I want to illustrate all the different data sources from difference areas of your business. Ultimately the goal is to put this all together to get a unified view of your customer, your future customer, community, market, and your team to inform what you work on next and how to achieve work that hasn't been accomplished before. Achieving this capability is a never ending transformation as new possibilities become reality and digital technology gains more functionality relevant to your business.
I have set the stage, now let's dig into how to make this a reality. Starting with your team's workflow.

Learn more

If you're interested in learning more about the possibilities of what data you can generate in your business, and how it can help you achieve innovation and growth let me know what areas of your business you'd like to explore and I'll grow this doc!
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