We love that Coda docs have pages and we tend to want to leverage pages to add organization to our information, which is great for smaller docs, but can quickly grow out of control. Tables help you bring organization to your doc, keeping your doc neat and tidy 🧹
To get started type /table in your doc. Tables can start from scratch, come from another tool, or connect to another table. If you have an existing spreadsheet you know and love, try copy and pasting it into Coda and see what it becomes 🤩
What is a table anyway?
While tables look like embedded spreadsheets, they act like databases. Well what the heck does that mean for you? This allows you to store information on a row level, and trust all of the information is tied to that row. In the tables below, you see a meal plan for the week, and with each meal you see a date, the weekday the date falls on, a rating, and tasks associated. If you drag and drop the rows to reorder, you’ll notice all information about that meal (row) come along with it.
You’re also able to have different views of a table. Views can be sorted, filtered, or grouped differently than the parent table. Views also may not always be in the form of a table, you can have a card view, timeline, detail, or chart view of your data as well. Changing your information in one place, will change the information in all views of that data.
Rows, expanded
When you use the yellow ‘Open’ button in the Meals table below, you are expanding the row, allowing you to see information that may be living in hidden columns. A best practice I abide by is keeping columns to a minimum, and leveraging the expanded row view to display information. This keeps docs tight and SPEEDY💨
Tables, connected
Tables are also able to talk to each other via relation columns (like the Tasks column in the table). This allows you to connect your information and reuse values, rather than entering multiple times, and keeping information up to date in many places.
Formula columns
As you level-up your skill in Coda, you may start using the formula language more, information in a table can be accessed and used via the formula language whereas information in the canvas can not easily be referenced in a formula. Play around in the tables below to see some fun features 😃