Having clarity around goals keeps attention in alignment with actions. Knowing where you’re going allows for strategic organization of resources.
This goal-setting step is designed to help you clarify your goals by providing a structured approach to define what you want to achieve during this planning period.
Once you have clearly articulated your objectives, you'll be better equipped to create a detailed strategic plan for accomplishing your most important goals.
Goal Setting Step #1:
Fill out the following worksheet to clarify EACH goal that you hope to achieve in the upcoming planning period.
Goal Clarifying Worksheet 2
What are you trying to achieve?
This can be personal OR business, depending on your context. It could be revenue, # of social media followers, a new skill, etc.
What would successful progress look and feel like?
Why is it important for you to accomplish this?
Be specific and be vulnerable. Maybe you want to increase revenue because you want to finally feel financially secure; maybe you want to make more than your sister. Be honest.
What have you tried already in achieving this goal that has created positive progress in achieving this goal?
What did you try that did NOT work?
What would you like to accomplish towards this goal by the end of this plan period?
When would you like to have this goal completed?
Assign it a due date
What pain/ consequence would be experienced by NOT accomplishing this goal?
Responses won't be saved because this doc is in play modeSubmit
Fill out the form once for as many goals as you’d like to commit to between now and the end of this planning period.
Goal Setting Step #2:
Below is a list of all the goals you’ve set for this period. Fill out the form again until all your goals are listed:
Greater Goal
Period Goal
Your Why
What's worked?
Didn't work:
Predicted Pain
Due Date
Greater Goal
Period Goal
Your Why
What's worked?
Didn't work:
Predicted Pain
Due Date
There are no rows in this table
Goal Setting Step #3:
Now that all your goals are clarified head over to The Project Planner to start planning for HOW you’ll accomplish these goals by clicking the blue “Step Two: The Project Planner” link below: