Every company must do one thing very good - have an accounting set up so that everything is correct in the books.
Each and every item in the bank statement must have an invoice or some other kind of a document that justifies the payment.
Problems start when there are more than one person who “can pay”, so at the beggining of every month when previous month invoices must be collected - someone must go through the bank statement and find appropriate invoices.
Problem broken in the smaller problems
Is there an invoice for xx yy ?
Which of the invoices are missing?
Who has the invoice for yy zz ? (Usually it is the same person who keeps forgetting it)
How to collect the invoices?
Is everything done for this month?
How can I transfer this to the accountants in the most effective way (with no back & forth)?
Few ways on how to be more effective here
Keep all of the bank statement records in one place - document & table in coda
Create an email who can receive emails from others, parse the content & attachments and add record in the coda table
Automate yourself with standart operating procedure (SOP), this is a very good resource to understand what it is -