It’s All About Fungi - Invitation to the Mycology Research Project video by mycologist Dr. Sandra Tuszynska
Fungi play critical roles in the functioning of healthy ecosystems, driving nutrient cycling, providing food for a variety of wildlife, maintaining the health of plants and storing carbon in soils. However fungi are one of the least studied groups of organisms in Australia. The Mycology Research Project was a three year initiative (2019-2022) which provided citizen science activities to study, research and contribute data on Queensland fungi; to raise awareness about the benefits of mycology (the studying of fungi); and make this science easily accessible to the Queensland community.
The goals of this citizen science project were to study Queensland fungi: to help identify and describe new species, work with fungi to restore damaged landscapes and improve soils, to help fungi sequester atmospheric carbon into soils and to investigate root symbiotic fungi to encourage plant growth.
initiative to encourage fungi proliferation in soils through community efforts. The main goal of the Giving Soil initiative is to provide community education about the important role of fungi and other soil microorganisms in soil restoration through the
The Mycology Research Project was proudly supported by the Queensland Government—Queensland Citizen Science Grants
Subscribe to the Giving Soil newsletter, receive educational tips related to fungi in soil restoration whether you’re growing a garden, participating in bush care, have a commercial farm or regenerating a block of land, the same principles of soil ecosystem restoration apply. Watch video below for more info.