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Data Model for Auto-Documentation of Legacy Data Source

DataSource Table
DataSourceID (Primary Key): A unique identifier for each data source.
Name: The name of the data source.
Description: A brief description of the data source.
ConnectionDetails: Information needed to connect to the data source, like a URL or server address.
Tables Table
TableID (Primary Key): A unique identifier for each table.
DataSourceID (Foreign Key): Links to the DataSource table.
TableName: The name of the table.
TableDescription: A brief description of the table.
Attributes Table
AttributeID (Primary Key): A unique identifier for each attribute.
TableID (Foreign Key): Links to the Tables table.
AttributeName: The name of the attribute/column.
DataType: The data type of the attribute (e.g., VARCHAR, INT).
Nullable: Indicates if the attribute can be null.
DefaultValue: The default value of the attribute, if any.
Description: A brief description of the attribute.

Additional Metadata as needed e.g., creation date of tables, last updated date, etc.

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

DataSource Table (1) ---- (many) Tables Table
Tables Table (1) ---- (many) Attributes Table

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