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Welcome! We’re glad you’re starting your NFT journey with R Planet. We’ve collected a number of resources to help inform you as you purchase your first NFT.
Helpful Resources for New Members

Buying an NFT

Popular general NFT marketplaces are , , &
And there are project specific marketplaces like and

Analyzing an NFT

and show NFT trait rarity which can correlate to market value

Minting Guide

Only Use Official Links (Discord, Twitter Account, Website)
Click “Mint” and link your digital wallet
Minting Happens in Stages (Presale, Allowlist Sale, Public Sale, etc.)

Buying Ethereum

Storing and Securing Ethereum

Sending Ethereum

Receiving Ethereum

Reading the Ethereum Blockchain

Looking at wallet transactions
Looking at wallet balances
Seeing gas fees

Scams in the NFT Space

DM Scams
Fake Websites to Sign Metamask Contracts
Fake OpenSea

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