Bring prepared is clear indicator of your interest in the opportunity and that you can handle ambiguous/stressful situations.
Note: You may be asked to bring your own laptop onsite for technical interviews. It’s pertinent that you are as comfortable as possible which may mean bringing external mouse and keyboard.
Check it out 🗺️
Map out your commute and test out the journey a week prior. This is a real world example of what your day to day would look like, also help you foresee any issues with traffic.
Dress to impress 👕
Ask your recruiter about the dress policy. Although in tech, attire is pretty casual, you don’t want to be popping into an interview in your pjs, nor do you want to overdress.
The reality is after being in a room for hours in a high stakes environment you may get a bit sweaty. Wear deodorant and dress comfortably.
Want to print your doc? This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (