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Getting Started with the Greenhouse Pack
Getting Started with the Greenhouse Pack

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What kind of data can I pull?

When you connect the Greenhouse Pack you are pulling raw data from Greenhouse into Coda — allowing you to organize and manipulate the data in any way that you want.
Every table you build in real time syncs data from Greenhouse. The syncs occur on a schedule. Recommendation is sync on a Daily or Monthly Basis.
Set the settings to 10,000 Rows.
Select Active Candidates
Job URL - copy and paste the job url from your greenhouse dashboard.
Greenhouse URL - type in your dedicated Greenhouse url. For example for Coda, it’s ““

What kind of data can you pull and analyze in Coda?

With the Greenhouse pack, you’ll be able to push and pull data to and from Greenhouse. There are 8 tables you can leverage.


Applications associate candidates with jobs. There are 2 kinds of applications: candidates and prospects. Candidate applications always have exactly 1 job. Prospect applications can have 0 or more jobs.


All candidate profiles in Greenhouse and associated with the company.


An organization’s jobs.

Job Openings

The Job Openings table allows you to manage all open job requisitions.


Interviews that have been scheduled for the specified application. Note that all-day interviews will have a start and end date with no specified time.


Some resource types allow tags to be assigned to them. Tags are useful for grouping resources.


If you are using Greenhouse for job approval or offer approval flows, then


Manage all of your organizations job offers.

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