What are the standard working hours? ⏳
The standard working hours are 8 hours a day. This is reflected in Resource Guru where you would typically have 8 hours a day booked across either different partners, squads or L&D.
Lunch is not included in the 8 hours. For example, if you wanted to take a 2 hour lunch break, then you can manage your schedule to start working either one hour earlier or work an hour later.
We believe team members should have ownership of their Resource Guru, which also means that team members have flexibility over how they want to allocate the working hours during the days.
One essential aspect of this flexibility is ensuring that the decisions work and are communicated with the team that this impacts (whether this impacts the partner, and/or internal teams).
For team members based abroad, we do expect min. 4 hours overlap with the UK working hours (which are flexible but typically around 9am - 6pm) in order to be able to coordinate with partners and the internal teams. We believe team members can have open conversations with amongst each other to discuss this.
In terms of working in the office and/or at the partner’s office, we able flexible. Some team members come in the office weekly, some quarterly - the important thing here is finding the right balance that works for you. Partners are also usually flexible in terms of working at their offices/remotely and again, we trust our team members to have those conversations directly to be able to see what works for them.
In terms of the standard working hours, it sometimes happens where a team member is booked on a project/partner etc for a specific amount of time but may not need the full allocated time or has availability in RG. In that case, we would expect the team member to get involved in other areas of the business where support is always appreciated (and needed!). Availability should be shared in the partner channels or with their CC or squad leads (even if this is at a short notice).
Working around Ramadan 🤲🏽
We understand that working normal UK hours around Ramadan can be a little tough for those celebrating, and taking part in Ramadan. With this in mind, we encourage you to adjust your working hours accordingly to make this period as comfortable as possible for yourself. Just be sure to speak to your Pod Leads, team members, and of course Partners before making this shift. Ramadan Mubarak!
Working overseas 🏝
We believe that the ability to work anywhere has been one of the best things to come out of the last few years. Travel has been shown to increase feelings of wellbeing, both at work and at home 🏝. That’s more important now than ever.
Our policy is to trust everyone in the team to choose where they work best, and that extends to working overseas.
With people working overseas our internal squads have to monitor international tax, IT security and physical security. To make the policy work you must notify the PeopleOps team in advance. In rare examples the business reserves may ask you to delay or suspend the trip. For example if you’re planning to work in North Korea we will have a few questions 😉.
Working 3 or 4 days a week 🏄
Working 4 days a week is a great concept, but it doesn’t always work out in practice. I went onto 4 day weeks for my last year at PwC. I was really excited, but in reality it was a nightmare. I was still expected to get the same amount done and ended up getting more stress for less money!
One of the advantages of our business model is that it’s easier for us to really make part time working work 💪. We schedule and bill for our work by the day, so if someone decides they want to work (and get paid for) fewer days, that’s really easy for our teams to arrange. However, we do ask that you give us at least 2 months notice for this change to take effect, as we’ll need to rearrange schedules and ensure that all-important FinOps work is managed properly.
Our policy is to offer everyone a choice when it comes to deciding how many days they want to work each week by default. We don’t assume that one size fits all.
In the October 2021 review we made a collective decision to stop tracking time by the hour. Since then our operating model is to sell days of FinOps expert time to the startups we support. Sadly the laws of physics haven’t yet made it possible to work more than one day during one day (although we have tried), so we’re not able to offer ‘condensed’ hours.
Sabbaticals and unpaid leave 🌇
Ever thought about spending a year working as a lumberjack? Now you can.
As with part time working, we’re in a unique position to make sabbaticals work. If you’re in a small finance team in a startup, there’s no-one to cover when you’re away. When you’re in the Quantico team, we’ve got your back 😎.
Our policy is to provide opportunities for sabbaticals wherever we can make it work logistically. Talk to the PeopleOps team about your options.