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Our Principles

Together with our team we sat down and discussed the the five principles that sum up what working at RORA is all about - here they are:


Challenge everything

‘The way things ‘have always been done here’ is almost never the best way’ - Kirsty
When we created RORA, the very existence of FinOps itself was a challenge. A gesture of defiance against the old world of accounting and a career that promises safety and a job for life when what we really want is variety, impact and progression.

Although we've grown as a business, we still believe in challenging assumptions wherever we find them. Whether that’s questioning the logic behind a sales forecast or a marketing strategy, we’re always asking ‘why?’


Get clever, not bored

‘FinOps stands for automation, innovation and improvement’ - Ashish

We live in an age where everyone has a supercomputer at their fingertips, yet most people still spend their careers doing boring, tedious work.
We believe that technology makes lives better, and we’re here to make it happen. If you’re doing a job that could be done by a computer, you’re probably doing something wrong.
Rather than analysing 100,000s of potential code combinations Alan Turing invented (arguably) the first computer


Always be iterating

‘Perfection is a journey, not an outcome’ - Sam

We work with startups. In a startup you never get time to make anything perfect and nothing is ever finished. You build as fast as you can and you make it better every week.
You’re building your rocket ship as you fly.


David Brailsford and Team Sky famously targeted 1% improvement every day to take British Cycling and Team Sky to successive golds


Fix your own bike

‘Its about having the confidence to pick up a completely new system and take it apart’ - Harriet

Accounting firms deliver the same solution for every business they work with. HR Consultants have one domain they specialise in. As Ops experts know that every business and every individual is unique, and that means that one size fits all simply doesn’t work.
Because we’ll work with any system out there we’ve got to be confident looking under the bonnet and figuring out how they work.
It’s just like when your bike breaks - don’t take it to the shop before you’ve sat down and figured out how it works. You’re smart enough to figure it out.
Rejected from engineering school, Isembard Kingdom Brunel went on to become the most famous self taught engineer of all time


Be yourself

‘Pretending you’ve got all the answers is a waste of time’ - Aarti
A lot of people think that being a professional means putting on an act. We’ve all seen accounting firms who never admit they don’t know and always tell their clients what they think they want to hear.
Every Ops expert is unique and that’s how we like it. We build long term relationships based on trust and telling it how it is. How can you trust someone if they’re not being themselves?
We also take the same approach to ourselves. As Ops experts we know that we’ll never have all the answers because the world never stops changing. Instead we make it a priority to never stop learning.

the RORA team are famously all themselves

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