Period and Menopause Policy
If you’re menstruating or menopausal, and this is quite badly impacting your ability to work, then you’re free to manage your time around your period/hormonal changes as you see fit. This would account for tiredness, discomfort, pain, fluctuating productivity and mental health, to ensure you remain well, rested, and productive.
Just be sure to let your RORA team and Partners know, and ensure that you adjust hours where needed, and deadlines and urgent tasks are managed.
As our period and menopause policy is distinct from sick leave, for time off equal to or longer than half a day please ensure you update RG via the form thats bookmarked in the #general slack channel.
Time Off For Dependant Emergencies
We recognise that events out of our control happen, and Quantico allows all team members to reasonable amounts of unpaid leave to deal with incidents involving a dependant. This is defined as any person who reasonably relies on you to make provision of care. The type of situations when this leave may be taken would be when a dependant:
is ill, injured, or gives birth; when care arrangements unexpectedly break down; when a dependant dies; or to deal with an unexpected incident involving a child Team members wishing to take leave to deal with any of the above must let the PeopleOps team know prior to the start of their working day, or as soon as is practicable after the event occurs, giving the reason for the absence and the expected duration.
Compassionate leave
An appropriate period of paid leave will be granted at the discretion of PeopleOps in cases of bereavement involving immediate family.
Reporting leave
Please discuss any planned leave with PeopleOps as soon as possible.
Please also inform any partners that you are due to work with on the day. Once you’ve let the PeopleOps team know the Quantico scheduling team will endeavour to find cover, but this is usually only possible for long term leave. We’re not usually able to provide same day cover.
Jury service
If you are required to attend jury service you will be offered time off work for so long as you are required by the relevant court. No employee will be penalised or subjected to any detriment for asking for, or taking, time off work to attend jury service.
You will receive up to two weeks paid leave of absence for jury service. If you are required to be absent for a longer period, pay will be stopped. You will, however, be able to claim loss of earnings from the court up to defined limits. You are required to notify us of any amounts you receive from the courts, so that this amount can be deducted from any payments we make to you (i.e the first two weeks). Further information on the amounts you are entitled to claim from the courts can be found Procedure
You must notify the PeopleOps team of the court summons as soon as possible, and book out the necessary time on Resource Guru. Please ensure you have a copy of the court summons, which will be kept alongside HR records. You should consider the impact on partner work, and discuss with the team the most suitable arrangements for providing cover and/or notifying partners. In the event that the employee’s absence at the time in question would be likely to cause the organisation serious disruption or difficulties, Quantico reserves the right to request that you submit a request to the court to be excused from jury duty. If, on any particular day that you are attending the court, you are not required at court or you are required for only part of the day, you must return to work for the remainder of that day. You will of course be paid for any hours worked.