Congratulations! We are absolutely delighted about your news.
If you or your partner is pregnant, have recently given birth, adopted a child, or had a baby through surrogacy, this will hopefully explain the things that you should know.
This stuff can be complicated and sometimes overwhelming, so if there’s anything that’s unclear, just ask us to explain it.
Statutory Maternity and Paternity Leave
You are eligible if you have been employed by Quantico for 26 weeks prior to the 15th week before your baby’s due date.
This is usually about 9 months before the baby’s due date. You can use this HMRC to confirm. In the case of an adopted child, you must notify us no later than seven days after the date on which notification of the match with the child was given by the adoption agency.
Enhanced Maternity and Paternity Leave
To benefit from our enhanced policy you must have been employed by Quantico for at least 1 year before your parental leave begins.
You must return to employment for a minimum of 6 months following your parental leave.
Maternity leave and pay
How much leave am I entitled to?
You are entitled to take up to 52 weeks of leave. You do not have to take the full 52 weeks, but you must take 2 weeks’ leave after your baby is born.
How much will I be paid?
Depending on your eligibility, you are either entitled to one of the below.
Statutory Maternity Pay
You are entitled to 39 weeks of paid leave throughout your maternity leave.
90% of your pay for the first 6 weeks For the remaining 33 weeks, you will receive the statutory pay at £184.03 per week
Enhanced Maternity Pay
You are entitled to 39 weeks of paid leave throughout your maternity leave.
Fully paid leave for the first 8 weeks This is followed by 6 weeks of leave at 50% pay After this initial 14-week period, we offer 12 weeks at 25% pay For the remaining 13 weeks, you will receive the statutory maternity pay at £184.03 per week. When do I let you know?
We’d love for you to inform us as early as you feel comfortable, as we want to do what we can to support you through this exciting time.
You should automatically receive a MATB1 form from your midwife at the antenatal appointment that takes places after your 20-week scan. If not, you may need to request it as it confirms your Expected Week of Childbirth (EWC), which is used to calculate your maternity leave and pay.
If you choose not to tell us earlier, to qualify for maternity leave you must tell us no later than the the 15th week before your Expected Week of Childbirth (EWC) of your pregnancy
When can I start my Maternity Leave?
The earliest date you can start your parental leave is 11 weeks before the Expected Week of Childbirth (EWC), unless your child is born before that date.
You must notify us of your intended start date before the end of the qualifying week (usually 50 weeks before due date, or as soon as possible afterwards.
Your leave will start on whichever comes first, either:
Your intended start date; The day after you give birth. You can always change your mind about when you would like to start your leave, as long as you agree with us at least 28 days in advance.
Keeping in touch (KIT)
We think that KIT days are good for both of us, allowing you to keep up to date and continue to input into what’s going on at Quantico.
You can work for up to 10 days (known as KIT days) without bringing your maternity leave or Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) to an end.
You will be paid pro rated at 100% of your full salary for any KIT days taken. Any payments made for KIT days will not affect your SMP.
Paternity leave and pay
How do I let you know?
You are required to provide the following information to us;
The date the child is expected to be born or adopted. How long you’d like to for the Paternity Leave, up to a period of 4 weeks When you want your Paternity Leave to start (previously called the SC3) and share back to PeopleOps/ Finance squad. How much will I be paid?
Depending on your eligibility, you are either entitled to one of the below depending on if you’ve passed probation yet):
Statutory Paternity Pay (in probation period)
You are entitled to 2 weeks of paid leave throughout your paternity leave.
90% of your pay for 2 weeks leave must finish within 56 days of the child’s birth
Enhanced Paternity Pay (post passing probation)
You are entitled to 4 weeks of paid leave
100% of your pay for 4 weeks leave must finish within 1 year of the child’s birth When can I start Paternity Leave?
Paternity Leave can start on any day of the expected week of childbirth, the actual date of childbirth or placement for adoption.
Can I get time off for appointments?
Of course, our flexible working arrangements allow for you to be able to attend antenatal appointments and/or classes.
Please ensure this is communicated to your clients, colleagues where necessary, as with any other medical appointment.
Will my annual leave still accrue whilst I’m off?
Quantico’s holiday entitlement continues to accrue during parental leave up to a maximum of 52 weeks. You may choose to take all of your holiday entitlement either:
Before you start maternity leave (the holiday that you have accrued up to the date of starting your maternity leave) After the paid element of your maternity leave expires
Should you decide not to return to work you will be paid in lieu for any outstanding holiday in your final month of pay.
Can I can share my pay and leave with my partner?
Assuming that your partner is also an “employee”, then you can share up to 50 weeks of leave and up to 37 weeks of pay between you.
You can find out more on the eligibility requirements .