Curriculum Builder

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To determine if your students are hitting their
@Learning Objectives
, you are going to want to evaluate them with a set of
s. These should be measurable in some capacity and are typically based of an assessment (my favorite are formative but summative work as well!)

Page Instructions

Click the button below to add an indicator.
Assign the indicator a learning objective code. NOTE: You will need to fill out at least the Learning Objective Code column on the page to do this. The Learning Objective column below will auto-populate when you add those to the table.
If you’ve created a table on the page, you can assign an indicator a proposed week. Otherwise, just leave it blank for now.
Have ideas for how you might assess each indicator? Drop them into the Potential Assessment column. You can always come back and add more or change them up later.
If you know (or want to brainstorm) how you might want to deliver the indicator or assessment, you can you the Delivery Notes canvas column for that.

Add Indicator
Objective Code
Learning Objective
Proposed Class
Potential Assessment
Delivery Notes
Lists 5 strategies for business ethics
Students will be able to argue for the importance of strong business ethics in entrepreneurial activities.
Students create a visual that outlines strategies of business ethics.
Creates business plan with social good perspective and an focus on ethical practices
Students will be able to design an ethical business plan for a double-bottom line or social good business.
Students design and deliver 10 page business plan
Critically analyzes case study of different moral quandaries faced by businesses.
Students will be able to identify best practices for the ethical running of a business.
Students role play as consultants for businesses facing an ethical dilemma, providing best practice supported suggestions to answer the dilemma
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