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Revival Ministries International & The River at Tampa Bay Church
Ministry Spotlight

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The River Church

Objectives of The River Church:

To become a model revival church where people from all over the world can come and be touched by God. Once they have been not only touched but also changed, they are able to be launched out into the harvest field with the anointing of God.
To have a church that is multiracial, representing a cross section of society, from rich to poor, from all nations, bringing people to a place of maturity in their Christian walk.
To have these three main ingredients always predominant in every service: dynamic praise and worship, anointed preaching and teaching, powerful demonstrations of the Holy Spirit.
To see the lost, the backslidden, and the unsure come to a full assurance of their salvation.
To be a home base for Revival Ministries International (R.M.I.) and all of its arms. A base offering strength and support to the vision of R.M.I., to see America shaken with the fires of revival, then to take that fire to the far-flung corners of the globe.
To break the mold of religious tradition and thinking.
To be totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit for His leading and guidance as we lead others deeper into the river of God.

Our motto: Church with a Difference.
In this article, you’ll learn more about R.M.I. and the various entities working together to accomplish our mission of seeing 100Million souls saved, and to sow 1Billion dollars into world missions.

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