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Team Status Report Dashboard

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Team Status Report Dashboard

This template uses AI to automatically generate insights from team status updates.


Have each team member fill in their status update in the table. The AI will generate summaries, insights, and an executive summary.

Executive Summary

Overall, the team is making progress towards their goals, but there are some potential risks and blockers that need to be addressed. The Engineering and Marketing departments are waiting on approval from their managers, while the Sales department is facing challenges with bad lead quality. The Design department has made progress on the website redesign, but is waiting on feedback from the marketing team. The Customer Support department is working on training documentation, but is waiting on information from the product team. Priorities for management should include addressing these blockers and risks to ensure the team can continue to make progress towards their goals.

Team Status
Last Week's Goals
Progress Made
Upcoming Goals
John Doe
Mobile App
Fix Bug #345
Fixed 50% of bug
Need design specs to fully fix
Complete bug #345 fix
Jane Smith
Website Redesign
Complete homepage draft
Finished hero section
Waiting on feedback from marketing team
Incorporate feedback and finish homepage
Bob Johnson
Email Campaign
Write new campaign brief
Completed brief draft
Awaiting final approval from manager
Send final brief to design team
Sarah Davis
Q3 Targets
Make 50 cold calls
Made 35 calls
Bad lead data quality
Make 15 more cold calls
Mark Taylor
Customer Support
Complete training docs
Wrote intro section
Waiting on info from product team
Finish training docs draft
There are no rows in this table

Key Insights

Critical blocking issues:
John Doe: Need design specs to fully fix bug #345
Jane Smith: Waiting on feedback from marketing team for website redesign
Bob Johnson: Awaiting final approval from manager for email campaign brief
Sarah Davis: Bad lead data quality for Q3 Targets
Mark Taylor: Waiting on info from product team for documentation project
John Doe: Design specs needed to fully fix bug #345
Jane Smith: Feedback needed from marketing team for website redesign
Bob Johnson: Final approval needed from manager for email campaign brief
Mark Taylor: Information needed from product team for documentation project
Next actions:
John Doe: Complete bug #345 fix once design specs are received
Jane Smith: Incorporate feedback and finish homepage once feedback is received
Bob Johnson: Send final brief to design team once final approval is received
Sarah Davis: Improve lead data quality and make 15 more cold calls for Q3 Targets
Mark Taylor: Finish training docs draft once information is received from product team

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