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Daily 9:30am Review

Daily 9:30am Review

Website :
Last 7 days page hits (home page and ALL other pages) + Last 30 days page hits Graphs
DemoDay Org
Number Solutions Sourced so far
Number Good Solutions so far
Target for today for sourcing
Msg for circulation
Graphs ー Track wise
DemoDay Cohort Support ー all of below, per category
Num email connects made total so far (by DD #)
Num email connects made yesterday (by DD #)
Target today ー Num email connects (by DD #)
Govt Relations + Tech
Per State update
PPE Team
Num total demand orders fulfilled
Need fundraising
Target for this week ー num addl demand orders fulfilled (with and w/o fundraising)
Status of each Demand order currently Active
Num new people applied yesterday, and this week so far
Num new people onboarded yesterday, and this week so far (per team)
Num people finalised or onboarded who need to be in Next Orientation with Riddhi
Num people left yest, and this week so far (by Reason)
Num people leaving in next 1 week, and who are they transitioning KT to
Prioritised list of Open positions for yest, (how many closed, how many still open)
Prioritised list of Open positions for today, and for this week

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