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ESC Interview Script App

ESC Offer Call Script

Hey ___, this is Kole with Everlight, now still a good time to chat? Perfect, well again I’m Kole, head of recruitment for construction. I wanted to ask you a couple quick questions…
(Materials check - think of mundane checks to frame the conversation as them jumping through hoops - try to keep them to questions they only will respond YES to — YES TRAIN.)
You have a valid drivers license and a reliable vehicle, right?
Wanted to check again, you’re ready to do the work, trust the process, and believe in yourself, right?
Congratulations, we’ve selected you to come in as a ________ (job title).
We invest a lot into our people, so, we only want people that are all in. With you, we see it as an investment for the long term. We have to look at 3-4 jobs from now, and looking at things that way and your attitude - this is a huge opportunity for you - lots of room for growth while making great money - if you put in the work.
Wanted to check again, were you ready to start immediately or did you have something you needed to finish up first?
Perfect, You should have an email with the offer information in your inbox - you want to look for that now and make sure you got it? Awesome, go ahead click that and make sure it opens. Want to make sure the information in there is correct...
…Should be a little paragraph about us being excited to send you an offer…. nice… We’re going to start you at ___ per ____ .
Now, you bring the attitude and effort we’ve seen in the interview process to your work, like we assume you’re going to do, and that number will go up. But the ball is in your court - like we’ve said before, you’re in control of that, that’s up to you, sound fair?
...You’ll report to _____ in the ____ office. - They’re a rock star, so you’re lucky there.
- Excellent, everything should be good on the offer then, it all looks accurate? Let’s make sure we get that authorization confirmed… you can throw your John Hancock on there, confirm and submit.
Perfect, it just came through on my end.
Congratulations, excited to have you on the team! On your first day you’ll show up at 6 am, just like you did for your trial. HR will reach out to you on your first day to get you a company email and for anything else they need. - you have a great day alright? Congrats again!


They have other offers or want more time to consider...
Interesting… I have to be honest with you - it doesn't sound that you’re all-in and ready to dive in with both feet - and we really aren’t interested if you’re not already super excited about this opportunity - we have a lot of people already sold behind you, so, it sounds like we should forget about this offer and go with someone more ready - and with as crazy fast as we are growing we really have no time for non-believers right now, is that what would be best for you, for us to go with someone else?
“WAIT YES” - Perfect, let’s get this authorized so we can get you set up to start on the script and we should be good. (loop back to the script)
“YEAH MAYBE ITS NOT THE BEST TIME BLAH BLAH” - Hey no problem, thanks much for your time -Have a great day ok - all the best!

If they counter offer…
So compensation isn’t up to me. What I can do, is take this back to my supervisor and see what we can do. Obviously, we want to make sure you’re able to get your bills paid. Where would you need to be to start out?
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