Fusha Arabic

Total Study Time and Costs

Total Days for the Entire Project:
Start Date: June 1, 2024
Completion Date: December 28, 2024
Total Days: 210 days
Total Study Hours:
Minimum Total Hours: 420 hours (2 hours per day)
Maximum Total Hours: 525 hours (2.5 hours per day)
Breakdown of Study Hours:
Self-Study Hours:
Minimum: 105 hours (30 minutes per day)
Maximum: 210 hours (60 minutes per day)
Tutor Hours: 210 hours (60 minutes per day)
Teacher Hours: 105 hours (30 minutes per day)
Total Costs:
Tutor Cost: $5 per hour
Total Tutor Cost: $1,050
Teacher Cost: $20 per hour
Total Teacher Cost: $2,100


Self-Study Hours: 105-210 hours
Tutor Hours: 210 hours
Teacher Hours: 105 hours
Total Hours: 420-525 hours
Total Tutor Cost: $1,050
Total Teacher Cost: $2,100

Daily Study Plan

Study on Your Own:
Duration: 30-60 minutes total per day
Goal: Prepare for tomorrow's DARS with the tutor
Study with Tutor:
Duration: 60 minutes total per day
Goal: Prepare for the next day's DARS with the teacher
Study with Teacher:
Duration: 30 minutes total per day
Goal: Complete 3 DARS per day (2-3 DARS, 5 days a week)

Total Daily Study Time

Own Study: 30-60 minutes total per day
With Tutor: 60 minutes total per day
With Teacher: 30 minutes total per day
Total Daily Study Time: 2-2.5 hours per day

Summary of Completion Dates

A2: September 7, 2024
B1: October 5, 2024
B2: November 2, 2024
C1: November 30, 2024
C2: December 28, 2024

Optimized Daily Study Plan:

Own Study: 30-60 minutes total per day
With Tutor: 60 minutes total per day
With Teacher: 30 minutes total per day

Summary of Book Completion Dates

Book 1B: July 2, 2024
Book 2A: August 7, 2024
Book 2B: September 7, 2024
Book 3A: October 5, 2024
Book 3B: November 2, 2024
Book 4A: November 30, 2024
Book 4B: December 28, 2024

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