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PeopleOps Review: Macrofin
The review

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Project plan

Project plan
week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
Week 5
Decide on framework for competencies and how it should tie in with values / KPIs
Understand technical and behavioural expectations for each role at each level
Get input from team and managers on expectations at each level
Make a decision on the number of bands and frequency of reviews
Understand current salaries, how these fit proposed bands and finance implications
Draft communication with full team on proposed direction of changes and rationale
Assign salary bands to each level
Draft competencies at each level based on expectations
Get input and review from team and managers on draft competencies
Get sign off on the proposed competencies for each level for the first cycle
Decide how feedback should be weighted from peers vs leadership team
Write summary of new system and policy for team handbook
Select performance management system [presumably Bamboo HR]
Implement the criteria for each level in the performance management system
Get feedback from team on proposed progression criteria
Design system for providing feedback to team after reviews
Provide training for whoever will carry out feedback conversations
Carry out first review on new system
Get feedback from first review and recommend iterative improvements

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