Our team clearly understand what they need to do to progress / get more salary
Our team would agree that salaries are allocated fairly and transparently
We conduct performance reviews on a regular basis, incorporating feedback from across the team
We communicate the results of the performance reviews and the team respects the process we follow
We’ve got a well documented recruitment process that is efficient to run and finds the best candidates quickly.
We have a process in place for performance improvements / disciplinary action and it’s followed consistently where needed
We get regular input from the team from surveys and discussions, especially before making decisions that affect them
Our team would agree that we communicate well on major decisions and they have a good understanding of the business performance
We’ve got a system of values and behaviours that inform decision making and promotes team spirit
Our major policies are up to date and easily accessible to our team (sickness, maternity / paternity, data protection, IT security)
We’ve got a good employer brand that helps us attract the people we’re looking for and reflects our values
Our probation / onboarding system results in new joiners getting up to speed quickly, and catches any hires that aren’t a good fit early
Our team would agree that we support them in getting better at their jobs every month
We have accurate and up to date information available on everyone in the team
The People team effectively supports the leadership team and other department heads in making decisions
Our people expenditure is at the right level for our business
Our team contracts are up to date and provide accurate expectations on the role
Our new joiner process results in us gathering right to work and other data efficiently every time
We’re confident we’re compliant with all relevant legislation regarding dismissals, redundancies, safe working environments etc