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PMA's Storytelling framework

A framework for telling your product's story and message to your target audience.
Your story conveys your product’s message with meaning and impact. When done right, they inspire action, make you more memorable, unite your audience and simplify complex concepts.
Before you even think about putting pen to paper, make sure you ask and write down your answer to: What are you trying to achieve? Keep this front of mind throughout. If you don’t, odds are your story won’t reach the ending you’d hoped for.

Clear sample steps
Your Story
Sentence starter
Step 1:
Who is your audience?

[X] is a...
Jane is a Campaign Manager who’s responsible for building, sending and reporting on the marketing department’s customer and prospect-facing email activity.
Step 2: Where are they now?
At the moment, they...
At the moment, she struggles to get all the insights she needs from various simultaneous, multi-touch campaigns.
Step 3: The villain
He/she tries to [X], but it’s [X]...
She tries to overcome this by integrating external apps, but it’s unreliable and often confusing.
Step 4: The disruption
As a result...
As a result, she’s not confident her numbers are accurate and campaigns optimised.
Step 5: Which other characters are involved?
This also impacts...
This also impacts the wider marketing department and sales teams.
Step 6: How does it impact others?
Because leads are occasionally being lost.
Step 7: The fairytale ending
Their dream is to...
Her dream is to rely on just one tool and have complete confidence in its reporting suite.
Step 8: The antagonist
However [X] is getting in the way because...
However, her manager’s getting in the way for fear of downtime due to migration.
Step 9: The hero
[Product X] puts an end to all this by...
Our email platform puts an end to all this by delivering a single source to send and see campaigns from - without any downtime.
Step 10: What life could look like
All so you can...
All so you can focus on optimising your efforts without worrying about dodgy data getting in the way.
Step 11: The moral
Achieving [X] doesn’t have to be difficult...
Achieving email success doesn’t have to be difficult and we’ve shown that time and time again.
Step 12: The new norm
Don’t just take our word for it though...
Don’t just take our word for it though, see what John Doe, Campaign Manager at Awesome Example Ltd, had to say: “Within weeks of adopting the email software I easily saved hours each week and after seeing how seamlessly it aggregates data from multiple platforms, I had 100% confidence in the accuracy of my reports. I’d never go back.”
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