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PMA's New hire onboarding checklist

A checklist for onboarding your new product marketing recruit.
First impressions last so to get you and your new hirer off to the very best of starts, you'll no doubt want to make sure your onboarding process covers all bases.
Here's an A to Z list of what we think is needed to make sure your new recruit has everything they need to successfully embed into your business and support your product marketing efforts.
Before Day 1 Tasks:
tasks done out of
Day 1 Tasks:
tasks done out of
Week 1 Tasks:
tasks done out of
Weeks 2-6 Tasks:
tasks done out of
Ongoing Tasks:
tasks done out of
Full checklist
Before day 1
Email over some suggested reading for before they start - think influential books, blog posts or podcasts etc. that are part of your company's 'canon'
Prepare essential documents: Resources they'll be using
Prepare essential documents: People they need to know
Prepare essential documents: Important internal documents (messaging, positioning, etc.)
Prepare essential documents: Passwords
Put all stakeholder meetings in their calendar
Educate key stakeholders on the new hire's role and responsibilities
Set-up Email
Set-up any tools/programmes they'll need to login to
Day 1
Make introductions to all immediate team members
Send an intro email to wider people/teams who they might not meet on day one, but will cross paths with in their first few days
Go through the organisation's objectives and values
Discuss the team's current projects, KPIs and focus points
Week 1
Have a focussed session and demo on the ins and outs of the product(s) they'll be marketing - ideally, someone from the Product team should deliver this
Go through and explain/demo all the tools they'll have access to and need to use
Set time aside for your hire to read through those resources and documents you prepared for them before they started
Discuss their OKRs
Let them know which people/departments they should go to for X, Y and Z - it might be worth documenting this too
Run through recent launches and results
Weeks 2-6
Outline pipeline launches and their role in each
Explain the sign-off process for different projects
Sit them down with: Product
Sit them down with: Customer Success
Sit them down with: Sales
Sit them down with: Engineering
Sit them down with: Marketing
Sit them down with: Finance
Sit them down with: CEO
Get to know direct and indirect competitors
Listen in to some sales calls
Listen in to some customer support calls
Listen in to any win-loss/feedback/case study calls
Ask them to present feedback from their call listening
Run through budgets
Review any existing inventory: Website
Review any existing inventory: Recent emails/in-app messages
Review any existing inventory: Sales one-pagers
Review any existing inventory: Case studies
Review any existing inventory: Battlecards
Review any existing inventory: Buyer/user personas
Review any existing inventory: Positioning statement
Review any existing inventory: Messaging template
Review any existing inventory: Videos
Review any existing inventory: Webinars
Review any existing inventory: Whitepapers
Get them to sit in on a few sales and product meetings to help them understand how they operate
Revisit their OKRs and work on a 30-60-90 day plan together
Put regular 1-on-1s in the calendar
Check they have everything they need from you to do their job
Ask if they're struggling with any internal or external blockers
Review their OKRs
Put career development plans in place
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