👉 Focus on differentiating your offering in terms of value:
Can I ask what you are comparing our price to?
👉 Establish whether they actually have the budget to be a viable lead:
How much were you thinking of paying?
👉Encourage them to reevaluate their current situation, and allow you to explain hidden costs they may not have considered:
How much will it cost you to do nothing?
👉 Give a real-life example of how another company in the same vertical actually saved money using your product:
After using our product to [automate their payments], [Example Customer] found they saved [XX%] on [transaction fees at the end of the quarter]. Use an ROI calculator to calculate the kind of quantifiable benefits your product can deliver.
👉 Bring any underlying concerns to light to help you understand and address any issues beyond the price objection:
Is price the only thing holding you back from signing?
👉 Show them a different way of perceiving your pricing:
Upfront, I understand it's a significant purchase. Let’s break it down by [monthly, quarterly, yearly ROI].
👉 Build trust by finding a way to work together to address genuine price or budget concerns:
Perhaps we could negotiate a staged rollout that will allow the cost to be spread out over time? If things are tight now, do you think you will have a budget for this in the upcoming quarters? Will doing a proof of concept with the key users help establish the product’s value?