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PMA Competitive intel checklist

This competitor intel checklist gives you a list of questions to answer about your company and your competitors to see where you differ from your competitors.

Date last updated:
12/7/2022 12:05:25 AM

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Competitor #1
Competitor #2
Competitor #3
Who are their target customers? Including segments and verticals.
How many customers do they have? Some companies will have this published on their site, others might require a bit of digging.
Do they have any big-ticket businesses on their client list? Of these, which are referencable case study clients? They’ll shout about it if they do, so this one should be easy to find out.
What countries do they operate in?
What do their positive online reviews say? What do their negative online reviews say? What negatives are included in their best reviews? Consider using extracts from some in here, along with their star rating (if applicable).
Are there any trends among their online complaints? And how have these trends changed over time?
What suite of products do you and your competitors offer?
What are the defining features of the aforementioned products?
What are the value drivers or intended customer outcomes of the aforementioned products?
How much do you charge versus how much do your competitors charge?
Are they currently running any discounts or promotional offers? And for enterprise sales scenarios, are typical discounts offered?
What are their perceived strengths?
What are their perceived weaknesses?
Do they offer free trials? Or pilots?
Do they have any partnerships? If so, who with?
Where can customers find help documents and articles?
If you have access, what’s their user experience like? Breakdown the pros and cons.
How do they currently differentiate themselves from the rest of the market?
What messaging do they use?
What use cases do they have listed?
If applicable, how does the messaging change between different segments, verticals or use cases?
What’s their tagline?
How much activity is there on their marketing channels? Think about things like blogs, social media, webinars, eBooks, emails, podcasts, newsletters, etc.
What types of content are in their three most important channels? I.e. thought leadership, practical how-to’s, product-oriented, etc.
What kind of marketing approach do they take? Do they target their industry as a whole? Or do they use account-based marketing (ABM)?
What kind of topics do they talk about? And what kind of keywords do they bid on? Tip: a spike in previously uncovered topics could be a clue they’re bringing out something new.
Do they get much engagement?
How effective is their social reach? Split this by channel - i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
What are they saying in their press releases, paid campaigns, events, etc?
Do they have any partnerships? If so, who with?
Do they run events? And/or attend tradeshows?
How does their organic ranking compare to yours?
How would you describe their website’s visual identity? Have they recently had it redone?
Do they have any cool tools, calculators, quizzes, apps, etc.?
Do they currently or have they recently ran any competitions or campaigns?
Have they had any recent acquisitions? Or been acquired themselves? List any that have taken place in the last 3-5 years.
How would you describe their growth trajectory?
How many employees do they have? Break these numbers down by major departments.
Where are their support teams based?
Where are their sales teams based?
Which departments, if any, are having a recruitment surge?
What words describe their customer-facing teams?
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